Simplified target tracking
West London Zone
The West London Zone programme is a 2-year, personalised and intensive package of support tailored to each child's unique strengths, needs and aspirations.
Working with children in schools across the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, Brent and the City of Westminster, West London Zone brings together all of the charities and resources available in the area to help those children who will benefit most to access relevant additional opportunities and support, so that they can flourish in adulthood.
As a paid-by-results based organisation, it was crucial that West London Zone had a clear overview of their impact data. However, with numerous different systems used to record delivery information, their Data Team found they were putting most of their time into translating and processing data rather than analysing it. This created a delay in accessing results and also meant that school-based staff lacked visibility of their students' progress to help them make real-time decisions about how to best support them. As West London Zone continued to expand, they realised this time-consuming process wouldn't be sustainable.
Before we started working with Impact Box, only a few people in the data team could access data, and it was time consuming to get any idea of our performance.
Ursula Hankinson, Head of Impact, West London Zone
We began the project by talking to the West London Zone team to understand a young person's journey, from initial identification to programme completion. We delved into the different information collected at each stage of their involvement on the programme as well as the how this fed into payment calculations.
Using this information, we were able to design a Salesforce system that allowed staff to easily load in initial young person data gathered from schools, removing the need for any code. We then implemented ways track the different types of engagement the young people participated in, allowing frontline staff to enter this information directly into the one system and have immediate visibility of their students' activity and progress.
Staff are now able to log interactions with students as and when they occur
Embedded graphs provide an insight into progress for each student
Crucially, we added automation and calculations at a young person and cohort level, to indicate how many young people are on target to meet the payment-based goals set by West London Zone. We summarised these metrics at participant-level and in a series of dashboards adapted for different types of user based on their role, to help them plan and prioritise actions.
Dashboards show managers how West London Zone is progressing against key metrics
The Data Team spend far less time cleaning and processing data.
Frontline staff can easily record data in real-time, rather than having to rely on the Data Team. They also have a clear overview of each student's progress and can use the data to make informed decisions about what actions they need to take next to help their young people flourish.
West London Zone can now see clearly how many young people within each borough have met their individual and overall targets. This gives them clarity over their prospective payments.
Since we have rolled out the system designed by Impact Box, all of our delivery staff have been able to track the progress of each individual child in real time. This has enabled us to identify areas of improvement and ensure that each child receives the support that they need on the West London Zone programme.
Ursula Hankinson, Head of Impact, West London Zone
Impact Box Cooperative Limited
Registered Company Number 13924647
Ⓒ Impact Box 2022